Saturday, March 03, 2007

What does oil stain tell you ??

An occasional stain or drop of fluid under your vehicle may not be cause for concern. However, if you consistently find the ground wet, or ever find a "puddle," check it out immediately.
Here's what to look for in some of the most common leaks.
1. Bright colors including green, pastel blue, and orange usually indicate an overheated engine or an antifreeze leak caused by a bad hose, water pump, or leaking radiator.
2. Red spots indicates that you are losing either transmission or power steering fluid.
3. Dark brown or black spots let you know that the engine is leaking oil. This could be caused by something as simple as a bad seal or gasket.
4. A clear puddle of water is usually not a problem. Quite frequently it is the normal condensation from running your vehicle's airconditioner.
Once you've diagnosed the leak, you have a couple of options. I usually recommend trying out a simple "stop leak" product. These run around $5-10/can and for that price you don't have much to lose. If the "stop leak" doesn't shore up your problem, your options become fairly limited. If you have a radiator fluid leak, you may be able to find the source of the leak and fix it yourself. Oil, transmission fluid, and power steering leaks, usually take a few more tools than the average person has on hand.


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